Saturday, July 5, 2008


Like the sunrise,spreading its hues of colors

lilac,orange n gold...

I spread my wings of flight ,

carefree,gay n bold.

The days are coming nearer

Its da ultimate countdown

Passin into an unknown territory

Da destined to be bound.

Snakes lurking in the corner

Something worse than the fear

is the hope...

Yes it is the hope shattering the floor beneath

Falling down da black pit

As something goes always wrong

when I plan long for it.

It's been so much as a tradition now

that I fear to dream

So good things may ne'er

come into ma side of realm...

Everything's going perfect

n thats what bothering me

You may name it silly

But I know wrong's destined to be

& I cant find that flaw

As to be prepared

But Im prepared for something else

flying high or drooping low

things may get as they were

once before

So look up high,bright & shine

but dont forget da steep slpe

For once in the void, be sure,

Either you'll get a solid ground or

you'll be taught how to fly....thats hope!!!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The Phoenix

Like the mighty phoenix,

Once again I rise from

the flames set to destroy

me and take flight.

I am Stronger




The Phoenix

So often
we believe that we have come to a place
that is void of hopes n possibilities,
only to find that it is the very hopelessness
that allows us to hit bottom,
give up our illusion of control,
turn it over, n ask for help.
Out of the ashes of our hopelessness
comes the fire of our hope.
-Anne W Shaef

Sunday, May 18, 2008

its for you sweety

Some times,I feel you ain’t with me;
I cant help it
But Im scared
of the days I foresee…
Sometimes I see you
backing away from me;
& I see my hands trying
To reach out to you;
But I cant
& I cant help what I see;
You have gone away from me.
I perceive
Its gonna happen someday
I just dread it isn’t today;
One day you’ll cxall
& it all will end;
Or worse,
You’ll never call again.
What will I do then?

I never thought of you
Only being mine;
I cant, that’d be selfish
& Im not worth it;
Coz I know someday you’ll shine.
Bright in this whole mad world,
Shine to your fullest potential
For all you dreams,
Our dreams.
One day you’ll realize I wasn’t crazy.
But ,By all means,
I wanna tell you that
I see you ,I feel you,
I crave for you
Every passing moment
You’re there wit me in my mind,
Oh, if only I could
hold this fleeting time.
This is not love.
No,it isn’t.
Nor it is my life.
It’s something more than that
Something purer which cant be shoved
By anyone else
-It is my belief
In you
& yours too
In me.
Cant ya see?

You say I wasn’t there with you,
Whenever you needed me
Perhaps I wasn’t,
But,I always tried to be.
I don’t bother if we never meet
or talk to each other
Coz Im content to cherish the feeling
Of you being there for me.

And Im sure ,one day will come;
When there won’t be
anything between us;
No one, no feeling,
No desires to be fulfilled
& I’ll be the happiest person;
Coz then our minds,our hearts
& our souls will merge;
And we’ll become one!!

Hear it,its coming

Hail the storm,
Hail the rain,
Its out there
Splattering the windshield;
But all in vain.
Coz…we are deaf.

The drops of life,
That precious liquid,
Its going down the drain
Underneath our feet,very deep;
But all in vain.
Coz…we are deaf.

The rays of Celestine,
Falling & heating,
Its getting all trapped in terrain
Boiling us all over,forever;
But all in vain.
Coz…we are deaf.

Yes,we ARE deaf,
Deaf deep in our senses,
Deep to our roots;

But She isn’t,
She feels,She sees,She listens;
And She’ll take revenge.
She,Mother Earth.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Amidst the fire,ever saw that gleam of light.
Let that fire burn,Let only the ash remain.
The light will glow even brighter,for it is I,the SUN.